Saturday, June 05, 2010

Somewhere On The Road Tonight

I figure if I can't laugh at myself, who can I laugh at, so here 'goes nothin'. I've started taking guitar lessons with Alan Thornhill in my old hometown & I've been meaning to ask him if he likes Tony Rice's playing (how could he not?) Meanwhile...

Last week I picked up another Tony Rice CD at Amoeba's on Haight Street, it had some fine songs and all kinds of great picking. So here comes one that sounds pretty familiar, wait, i know that song. Scanning memory, who sang it, mmmm, I think it might be on one of Alan's CDs. I've already misplaced this CD cover, wonder who wrote it, when did it first come out, I'll have to look it up on Alan's CD & learn it, etcetera and so on, like that.

Next day, I dig out the CD cover, oh yeah, Chris Hillman, and what's this Matilija publishing, wait, Chris Hillman lives in Ojai? Rewind, reread the credit and lo, Alan's the other writer. Like I said, if I can't laugh at myself, who can I laugh at?

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